On the left is your stance hex, containing your 6 abilities. For optimum effectiveness you must use abilities that are linked together. However, when healing couldn't be father from attack, things quickly become difficult.

Master the art of switching stances.


Use mouse to select attacks.

The heavy attack (top left) does 4 damage (at 100%) but leaves you 200% vulnerable after attacking. Yellow HP bars indicate vulnerability. 

The fire (bottom left) cures you of status effects but will also damage you when not approached directly. 

The game is probably fairly unbalanced right now, I haven't made it far myself.

I like lots of feedback, cheers.

All assets made in the jam except for like 1 sound effect.

Healing heals for % of 2 plus 1. So 50% healing is (50% of 2) + 1 which is 2. If that's too complicated: 0% = 1, 50% = 2, 100% = 3. Healing is the only art with any kind of "plus 1" modifier for balance so I figured I should specify. 

If anyone figures out how to do well at this game play let me know. 


Arts Of Stance.zip 564 kB

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